Workplace EV charging for business owners
18/06/2024| Posted in Blog| Neil Armitage| 924
Owners of the Hive Stores and coffee enthusiasts Steven & Gareth recently invested in an electric vehicle and a charging point at work. With government grants, adding a charging facility has become highly affordable for small businesses. Contact us for a free consultation tailored to your business's unique needs.
Lake District Guest House Makes Sustainable Impact with Charge-m8
02/10/2023| Posted in News| Louis Williams| 823
Choosing Your EV Charger
28/06/2023| Posted in Blog| Neil Armitage| 2176
Choosing your EV charger can initially be a little confusing. Charge-M8 are trying to make that decision simpler by helping customers to understand the options. in this Blog we discuss whether a tethered or untethered charger is best for you.
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